Welcome to All Things Camporee
Camporee 2025 will be March 28-30 at Camp Bothin!
Camporee Handbook.
Everything you need to know and then some.

More information is available here on the lower level pages:
What is Camporee?
Here's a video to give you a taste of the event!
Camporee is a Girl-led 2-night, 3-day camping experience planned and run by the High-School girls in our Service Unit.
Seniors and Ambassadors plan and run the entire event!
Cadettes are basically Staff in Training. They work together with high-school girls to lead the younger campers in a variety of activities.
Juniors and Brownies sleep in GS Camp dorms and participate in the wide variety of activities the older girls have planned for the weekend.
Daisies come for the day on Saturday and participate in activities designed just for them as well as all-camp activities.
Adult Leaders are nearby and available at all times to help keep your daughters safe.
All the girls get an opportunity to interact with other Scouts at all the different levels of Girl Scouting.